Good morning. This Glynn Gilcrease of Gilcrease law, Abelincolnspeaks, and I want to share with you this morning something about encouragement and I am taking my theme from my service in the United States Marine Core back in the Vietnam era. I would like to talk to you about what the Marines have as values. I believe you can extrapolate them into your own life.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. By that it was meant, we Marines knew that if somebody on our team or platoon was not up to snuff in some area, we would try to help them get there. If they needed a little push in the physical part of training, we would be there for them. Trying to make that link stronger.

Never leave a fallen Marine behind. By that, it means if you have a neighbor, family, or friend that has fallen behind during these tough times, what do you do about that? The Marine values would tell you to go back and get them. Bring them up, try to help them, or give them a helping hand. If they need food on table, share some from yours. If they need a few dollars to pay rent and you got it, help them. That is what it means to go back and bring somebody that has fallen behind.

Semper Fi. You will hear Marines say this to each other from time to time. What does that mean? It means “Always Faithful”. Be faithful to your family, to your friends, and the things that you believe in. Hold them dear in your heart.

Try and live by these values that the Marines train and live by. Thank you for letting me share a little bit about my experience in the marine core and what it meant to me.

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