Welcome, I am Glynn Gilcrease a Tempe Arizona trial lawyer. I perform a play as Abraham Lincoln and a presentation as Lincoln on leadership. In these days of incivility and name calling in the public arena as well as in other social media exchanges, I look to my favorite historical figure and a man I try to model and emulate in my life, Abraham Lincoln. Then I ask the question daily, for personal and national problems and how to solve them. What would Lincoln do? Addressing our nations political divisions and to a great extent worldwide name calling and bullying. I feel he would call for the people themselves to seek reconciliation and understanding even when our leadership fails us. Perhaps he would declare a day of national reconciliation. What an idea!? I believe he would ask everyone to spend that day, not with someone they agree with, but someone they disagree with. For example, a republican taking a democrat out for lunch or a group of different races, gathering for pizza or barbeque when generally, they would meet with their own race and friends. Then I think Lincoln would ask them to listen with each other with empathy just to understand. Not to argue or win a point at that time. Perhaps some rapport could be established for future discussions and resolution. What would that look like? Lincoln did not threaten those that criticize. He often laughed at himself when subject to ridicule. He valued and promoted speech for every man and woman in America to be able to lift themselves up. That government would have a role in making a great nation we have been. He is strong and compassionate. Two quotes from Lincoln’s speeches and writings profoundly speak to me now from the play which I do. From his house divided speech in June of 1858 accepting the newly formed republican party nomination to run against steven Douglas, a senator from Illinois.

“A house divided against itself, cannot stand.”

And then haunting words from his special message to congress on December 1, 1862

“We shall nobly save or greatly save the last great hope of earth.”

We are the last great hope of earth and we must not remain so meanly divided. It is one thing to disagree another, but it is another to ridicule, put down, and bully. If we remain a house divided, we will not continue to stand. In my opinion we must come together even if and especially when our leadership fails to lead us. We can use civil language even if our leadership uses mean and debasing language. We can still strongly express our opinions with dignity and magnanimity. Dignity matters. Let us come together even with our disagreements and differences and nobly save this great country with malice towards none and charity for all. What would Lincoln do? Thank you for listening. If you have any questions or would like any information about my presentation or play, or even a comment, please let me hear from you.