Welcome this is Glynn Gilcrease and I am back for my second segment of what would Lincoln do. I am sharing my love for the life of Abraham Lincoln. I have already told you that I do a one play as Abraham Lincoln and do presentations such as Lincoln on leadership. Today, I am going to talk something you may not have known about Abraham Lincoln. I am often asked to do presentations for children or younger crowds. I always make sure that when I do so, I talk about Lincoln’s love for animals. This is something you may not have heard before, but Abraham Lincoln loved and was kind to animals. As a young boy, stories abound for his love of animals. One involves turtles. When his friends would turn turtles on their back, Lincoln rebuke them turning the turtle back over or when friends put a burning ember on the back of the turtle. Lincoln would rebuke them, take the ember off, and tell them to be kind. Another story about Lincoln in his you and his kindness for animals involves a young bird who had fallen from its nest. Lincoln being tall walking with his friends took the young bird and gently put it back in the nest. He told his friends that he could not have lived with himself had he not saved the life of the young bird. Another instance involves a pig. Yes, that is right a pig! Lincoln saw a pig unable to free itself in mud helped the pig out of the mad. Lincoln loved all kinds of animals. Cats, dogs, and even goats which you will hear about in a moment. Let’s talk about cats now. Lincoln loved to take a cat, turn it on its back and rub its tummy. After Lincoln got elected president, his secretary of state, William Seward, gave Abraham to kittens one of which Abe name Tabby. President Lincoln loved to feed tabby at the presidential table at the white house. When scolded by his wife Mary, he returned, “If it was enough for President Buchanan, it is good enough for tabby.” When referring to the gold spoon left behind by President Buchanan. Then there were his goats, nanny and Nanko. Two goats that Lincoln love and he let them have the run of the White House, often chewing on furniture and curtains much to the grin of his cabinet and Mary. He had a dog named Jip. He had a horse named old Bob that pulled his carriage. Lincoln loved animals. He did not hunt or kill them. He was an animal rights person before his time. Once there was fire at a nearby stable from the White House. Lincoln raced to the stable and tried to jump over a fence which he did and tried to jump into the fire. He was stopped by friends and security. When he learned that six horses had died, he cried. He loved dogs, cats, goats, turtles, and birds. According to his stepmother, he even loved insects. In addition to being the strong man of character and honesty that we know him to be. Let us also remember Lincoln and his kindness towards. If you hear this story and like it, share this with friends who may not know that Lincoln in addition to being our greatest president and saving this country because of his strength of his characters also loves animals. Thank you. I will soon be presenting another segment of what Lincoln would do. If you have any questions or would love to email me, please do so.