Good morning. This is Glynn Gilcrease. Sometimes, I am known as Abe Lincoln when I portray our greatest president in a one man play or on Lincoln on Leadership. In these times, a lot of people ask themselves and ask ourselves and others, “What is the purpose of our government?” What can it do? What should it do?

Abraham Lincoln, in a special session of congress during 1861, called upon the war powers of congress. That was the beginning of the civil war which had occurred on the attack of Fort Sumter a few months earlier. Here is what Abraham Lincoln had to say about the objects and the purposes of our government.

“This is essentially a peoples contest. On the side of the Union, it is a struggle for maintaining in the world, that form and substance and the government whose leading object is to elevate the condition of man. To lift artificial weights from all shoulders, to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all to afford all and unfettered start and a fair chance in the race of life.”

Those are the words that our greatest president wrote. He led by them. He lived by them. I would ask everyone who is hearing my message to reflect on Lincoln’s words because he used the words all men and of course that embraces women as well. Lincoln was a big believer in giving the right to vote, giving everyone the right to citizenship as he proclaimed to give everyone an equal start in the race of life. I love those words. I hope you will love them, think about them, and live by them as well.

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