This is Glynn Gilcrease of Gilcrease of Gilcrease law and Abe Lincoln Speaks. We have been through a tough year in 2020. There were bad times for so many people and I often get asked, “What are your recommendations for adversity”? As you might know, I ask myself, What would Abraham Lincoln say or do. What would Abraham Lincoln have to say to us about what we all have been going through in 2020: A pandemic, lost jobs, people without food on their table. Horrible times. Some of the worst we have face in the history of this country.

The first thing I would like to share with you is, DO NOT LOSE THE VISION OF WHO YOU ARE. What your true character is. Do not be defined by a loss of job or a downturn in your economic circumstances. You will get back on your feet. Keep that vision intact. Stay strong.

BE PERSISTENT. That is what Abraham Lincoln was. No education. Tough times. Went through a bankruptcy from a store he was trying to run. He came through it all to become our best president. You too can come through it all and achieve whatever your dreams might be.

BE PATIENT. Abraham Lincoln lost a couple of elections, but he stayed true to his dreams. Sometimes, things do not happen over night and maybe they happen in the first few months for you of 2021. Know and feel in your heart, and work towards what can happen in the mid part of 2021 or later this year. There are those support, care, and love you. Feel it and know it. Pursue your dreams. Live purposefully. A lot of people that go through hard times, get down on themselves, may turn to drugs and other false ways to feel better about themselves. You can do it through perseverance, maintaining the vision of who you are and more importantly, who you want to be. Let us all ask ourselves, what would Lincoln say and do. Our greatest president.

Let us, together, make 2021 a remarkable year for all of us. I am here for you here at Gilcrease Law and Abe Lincoln speaks. Contact me anytime and share what you are going through. Thank you for letting me share with you this morning.